
Saturday, 12 November 2011

My Beautiful Place

Far beyond the edge of the world is my beautiful place...

When I first arrived in my beautiful place, I could see birds flapping their wings, small kids eating a castle made out of jelly, people in their jet-packs and the most amazing thing I could see were jet boards. I walked inside this shop and they were selling free things. I grabbed a jet-board, an electronic pencil and this robot that will do anything I want it to do.

I was thirsty so I decided to drink some water from the fountain but instead chocolate came out and I was surprised by it. I said to my robot “Go buy me something to eat!” A minute later it came back with some popcorn and candy. It tasted 10 times better than the past.

Suddenly I heard this loud noise coming from behind. I turned around to see a round metal spaceship so I decided to go for a ride.

I was walking around with my robot servant when this sweet smell caught my nose and I knew it had to be perfume so I took one with me.

On my way exploring my beautiful place, I heard a loud roar coming from my left. I walked inside to see people and animals being noisy and kids making a lot of noise. The noise was so noisy that my ear was going to explode so I floated away on my jet-board saying to myself “Anything is possible in my beautiful place.”

I hope you can visit my beautiful place in the future where anything is possible some day!

1 comment:

  1. This place sounds really futuristic and exciting. I think I might like to have my own robot servant one day. I can tell you tried to use the five senses to structure your writing. Well done!
